Is it possible that the hem that holds Africa together could be the blade tearing us apart?
Tradition definition:cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs and institutions.
As far as African civilisations go, it was apparent that the woman's role was mostly submissive; hardly any administrative role. So an old adage tells us 'the place of the woman is in the kitchen' .I wonder what the guy who came up with this line would say now in an era where women run industries, homes, countries. My question is how is it possible to prescribe to traditions that were there centuries ago, imposing them in the 21st century?
Can tradition evolve? Hell yeah.
case study:

Polygamy was an African practice pre christianity era. Men would be allowed upto as many wives as they could afford. Today, most African countries that have embraced christianity have shunned polygamy and have opted monogamy, ofcourse because of their new found beliefs.Infact in some African countries it is illegal to have more than one wife.
Lets not even pretend for one second that traditions are not evolving. But why are we still holding our women captive all in the name of tradition? Clearly someone is making the decisions of what traditions to carry forward into the future and which ones to make illegal. Who makes this decisions if not us. Or worse still we have let 'someoneelse' make those very vital decisions for the growth of this continent.
It is important to know where you are coming from to know how much further you need to go to get to your goals. The challenge for Africa is an evolving one. With new infrasturcture, technology, globalization etc we are slowly consuming a lot of influences from all over the world and the adverse effects are breaking us further apart as a continent. Africa is losing its identity of being the source and is now characterised by wars, poverty,diseases and all kinds of suffering.
It shouldnt be this way you know. I believe our tradiotions will be our identity. But surely we cannot be prescribing to old traditions. The evolution of our traditions as a continent will be key in uniting this continent. We should be proud of our differences from the rest of the world. Let the world emulate us. Let them want to be us.
I fear that my childrens' children will never understand what Africa is and its potential. Why? because day by day we lose our identity. 100years from now, the whole world will be one big village(we are slowly heading there). No culture, No morals, No identity. How important is your own identity to you?

Key Point: Lets embrace change as a continent. Sustainable change for all,with no ulterior motives of trying to hold back one group of people from progressing. We need our traditions,as a blue print so we can never lose our identity.
Thats all Im saying.